Information Portal about

Morbus Tschengi

alias: White Plague / Disease

@discovered by Karel Capek 1937

    MARSHAL (to the crowd)
  • At this very moment and at my command our planes are ravaging the cities of the perfidious enemy. (Cheers)
  • The time has come for me to justify my action to you, the Nation. (The CROWD shouts, 'Long life the Marshal! All hail the Marshal!')
  • If I entered upon a policy of war with no formal declaration of war, I did so to spare the thousands of your sons and daughters who are scoring the first of many victories at this very moment. Now I come before you to ask for your approval. (The CROWD chants, 'We want war!').
  • I see no reason to enter into a bargaining session with a band of scoundrels, (The CROWD cheers). They have long provoked and insulted our great Nation from without and now seem determined to undermine it from within!
  • (The CROWD shouts, 'Death to all traitors!'). The only way to deal with this thom in our side-this inferior, insignificant little people-is to wipe it off the face of the earth. (The CROWD chants, ' We want war!'). No matter who its protectors are, no matter how they respond to our challenge, let me state unequivocally that we are afraid of no one! (The CROWD shouts, 'We want war! Long live the Marshall! We want War!'). I knew you would stand by me. And I know you will stand by me when I proclaim to the entire world:
  • We did not want this war, but we shall win it, Victory is ours! ...